Better outcomes for those battling addiction, PTSD, anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation

WatchDawg is a data and experience-driven creation with proven positive outcomes for those with depression, anxiety, addiction, PTSD, and suicidal ideation.

Traditional treatments of depression and addiction tend to have high rates of relapse, lack of available treatments options and no ability to monitor patients on an outpatient basis.

We should do better – now we can. We are here to help!

WatchDawg utilizes breakthrough technology and unique approaches to addiction, combined with a simple interface, giving physicians vital data and patients a better chance of recovery.

To read a press release about the WatchDawg Pilot Study click aquí.

Low-Risk intervention

Innovative patented non-addictive, easily accessible, and affordable pharmacological options with minimal side effects, drug interactions, or other risks.

Medical Support

AI-based technology which translates users’ words into physician insight, allowing caregivers to see each users’ data and symptoms, improving our monitoring ability on an individual basis.

Active Monitoring

Monitoring of pertinent vitals to give timely feedback as to when a user is in trouble. Data can be viewed anywhere by a caregiver on a smart phone, tablet or PC.

Alternative Therapies

Proven, timely interventions catered to real and pressing individual needs, such as anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain, and worry.