Automated Critical Care System
Facing the challenge of prolonged field care for traumatic injuries, the Automated Critical Care System (ACCS) is now in final developmental stage with a technology readiness level (TRL) 5. The evolved design incorporates complex but proven medical technologies into a “system of systems” that integrate patient physiological monitoring with interventions controlled by software algorithms to provide a specifiable level of support to caregivers of critically injured battlefield personnel.
The baseline system will assist caregivers by providing casualty management guidance and decision assistance based on continuously updated measures of patient’s medical status and currently known, well-documented (e.g., TCCC and PHTLS) doctrines and implemented casualty care protocols and strategies. ACCS can be stand-alone or supported by the WVSM2, allowing acquisition of hands-free baseline vital signs without care provider distraction or tethering.
The current design and software control carries state-of-the-art internally controlled IV/IO fluids (rate, volume, type, and temperature) such as colloids and crystalloids (essentially as a “plug and play”).
ACCS has been developed to allow easy evolution to more advanced capabilities through the efficient integration of precursor tenets of design, as demonstrated by the recent addition of compatibility with an oxygen concentrator and new ability to interface with a non-Athena ventilator.
The future manifestation of ACCS may be closed loop autonomous care as these technologies mature and are released to market by evolving FDA policies and test validation/verification (V&V) data. Also, as advanced traumatic brain injury (TBI) treatment technologies such as therapeutic hypothermia (THT) come through FDA clearance, the basic platform of ACCS can and will adopt those technologies inside a modular framework that is now existing with the integrated fluids.
To view a brief video on ACCS click here.