Comprehensive patient monitoring and assessment tool with telemedicine capability
Patient assessment is perhaps the most critical step in the treatment of every patient. The assessment dictates all subsequent patient care decisions. It is in both the patient and care provider’s best interest to have the most efficient and comprehensive patient assessment tool available. Now you can.
The technology available in Wi-Med began with small, wireless monitoring devices developed for the U.S. Navy and Special Forces. This technology has been used successfully in the most remote areas under the harshest conditions and is now available in telemedicine products for all markets.
Wi-Med is a portable, non-invasive patient assessment system unlike any other. The Wi-Med system consists of wireless patient monitoring devices conveniently linked together with patient data stored in a HIPAA compliant secure server. It is a portable, non-invasive and automated system that quickly and easily collects data never before available in the field and makes this information accessible to physicians and clinicians located anywhere in the world.
Wi-Med is much more than a telemedicine device. Wi-Med goes beyond simply allowing clinicians to interface with patients remotely. Wi-Med gives the provider the tools and information required to make earlier and more informed decisions regarding patient care.